
Showing posts from March, 2012

Tswangirai fit to rule?

Picture by Armond Scipione There has been so much criticism about whether or not Prime Minister Morgan Tswangirai is capable of leading Zimbabwe should he win the Presidential elections considering his educational background. Personally, I do not see how one’s academic prowess can directly result in effective leadership of a country, or any organisation for that matter if it not driven by values of: equality and equity responsibility fairness servant-hood liberty the need to see human rights upheld  socio-economic justice One might argue that intellectual excellence means a better understanding of things and hence better management of the government. As much as this argument is tempting to consent, I believe it is far from the truth. I believe without the above mentioned values, a leader is bound to see power as an opportunity to dominate others instead of uplifting them and liberating them from different problems.   For me, rocket science, robotics, epistemology, ontology, econo

Should Mthwakazi be a separate state?

Proposed Mthwakazi map. Credit: Mthwakazi Independent For quite some time now, Zimbabweans have been subjected to thoughts of dividing Zimbabwe and coming up with a new state “Mthwakazi”. The envisioned Mthwakazi will encompass Matabeleland and Midlands Provinces. The party responsible for these ideas is the Mthwakazi Liberation Front (MLF). But are such notions justified? One might begin to dissect this question by analysing the origins of such thoughts. The Gukurahundi Genocide is not far off their lips as their foremost justification. However, there has been rhetoric about letting bygones be bygones. I wonder if this is really possible considering the gross inhuman treatment these people were subjected to??? Can this really be an easy pill to swallow when recently, just recently an Army Commander is reported to have said he is not apologetic for having been part of the massacres???     The region’s marginalisation, politically, socially and economically cannot be ignored even

EU's hidden agenda revealed.

Image The European Union (EU) has invited Zimbabwe to resume talks to explore ways of normalising relations. The invitation comes at a time the European bloc has removed some individual and companies from its illegal regime (The Herald 12/03/2012). These sanctions were illegal, unjustified and causing more harm than good to the economy of Zimbabwe. So this is good news right? This calls for celebration right?   The question here is why now?   Why now when the massive condemnation they received from progressive forces across the world including the African Union, SADC and Non-Aligned Movement could not sway them for one second? Why now when over two million signatures of affected Zimbabweans gathered during the National Anti-Sanctions Petition last year did nothing to convince them otherwise? Why now when the talk of elections is on everyone’s lips? Could it be that they are trying to play for both teams (Zanu-PF and MDC). My guess is they want to lighten the animosit

Colonialism attempt gone wrong.

Credit: Dan Gold - Unsplash The US soldiers recently burnt copies of The Koran. Their excuse was that the soldier in question was not aware that it was the Holy Books. The Afghanistan people have since taken to the streets demanding the head of the perpetrator. Read more That is the sickest explanation ever. The Koran is clearly identifiable because it is written on its cover page like most books. Unless the soldier was blinded by something, this could not have been possible. There is also claim that this bunch of soldiers had not received formal training about how to identify and treat Islamic religious material. I myself have never seen The Koran, let alone any form of training about anything to do with the religion, but I do not think I would need any of that to prevent me from burning their Holy Book. I would never burn any book I know nothing about. What’s mind boggling is the fact th