Chihuri's post in question.

Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri (Photo from Daily News Archive)

The country’s political stability has recently been compromised owing to the differences between the three principals of the GPA following the re-appointment of the Zimbabwe Police Chief.

The term of office for the Police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri expired at the end of January 2010 prompting the President to re-appoint him. This move however did not go down well with the two MDC formations who also make up the Global Political Agreement (GPA).The two formations are insistent on complete transformation and re-structuring of the security before elections can be allowed. Their fears stem up from Chihuri’s own words as he was once quoted by Conway Tutani, a Newsday correspondent (04/08/11), saying the government cannot be changed “by a mere pen which costs 5 cents.”. From such a statement it can be justified for one to think that he might very well use his influence and power to handicap the democratic process of elections.

Some MDC aligned media have also castigated the move. They note that Chihuri has failed in office and hence does not deserve to be re-appointed. The failure alluded to in this regard has its roots in the general mis-conduct of police officers, particularly Traffic Officers who are reported to be corrupt. Their argument is furthered by the recent incident when the police officers who were on guard on the fateful night of Retired Army General Solomon Mujuru failed to protect him. I do not claim to be a discerning genius, but hey, i do not need to be one to see that the ineptitude of junior officers does not directly prove that their seniors are equally inept.  This is just like blaming Didier Drogba’s penalty miss in the AFCON Final match on the Ivory Coast coach. Of course he is in charge and in command, but really people, really??? 

The MDC note that the GPA specifies the procedure for the appointment of all senior government officials and obliges President Mugabe to consult with and get approval of his MDC coalition partners. The President’s official spokesperson George Charamba  countered this by noting that the Defence Forces are not subject to inter-party negotiations. This is wise, because as recent history has shown, negotiations between these parties are usually perpetual as they are enveloped in irreconcilable differences. So to leave such an important office to indefinite fate would be suicidal. I therefore applaud the bravery and decisiveness of President Mugabe.   


  1. I think its high time the General vacate office.Since the GNU had been in office such disrespectful carnages by the Government of ZANU PF have ever given respect of the union hence jeopardizing its functions as a collective governing entity.It is for this reason that,problems such as these amongst others have risen,crippling the whole system.

    1. I would like to disuade you from engaging in partisan ideologies. As Zimbabweans, we should give praise where its due. To use a sweeping statements against our government without relevent evidence does not do justice to efforts of nation building.

    2. Disrespectful carnages by the government of ZANU-PF??? I honestly have no idea what you are talking about

  2. its sad, these born free think that we are enjoying "silver plate independence".Chihuri was not an observer like them during armed struggle,infact he participated.Chihuri is the only relevant person for that position at the moment otherwiz we might model the ministry to the grave

    1. Interesting, actually a thought provoking comment there Whisleblower...

  3. l really dont blame chihuri for his reappointment.l blame the people who reappointed him.It is as if zimbabweans are building a culture of not giving other people a chance to take up new positions.l might as well forget about looking for a new job in Zimbabwe.l have to wait for people to die in order to get a new job

  4. As long as you do not possess the required experience and expertise to handle the post, you may as well go and die (figuratively of course). Allow me to clarify it for you, it is President Mugabe who reinstated him, and given the situation the state in, i do not blame him. Its unheard of that a state operates without anybody filling that position.


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