US government blood thirsty and power hungry?

Image by Andrew Ruiz on Unspalsh

Iran has recently come under the spotlight regarding its nuclear program. The US, Israel and some of their allies accuse Iran of pursuing military objectives in their program. They have repeatedly threatened Tehran with the option of military strike against its nuclear facilities. Moreover, the US has engineered the European Union’s unilateral sanctions against Iran’s oil section in a bid to force Iran into abandoning its ‘civilian’ nuclear program ( 25/02/12).

 I say ‘civilian’ because Iran has vowed the nuclear technology is for peaceful purposes only. Besides, Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which gives them the right to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. I might add that nuclear technology provides clean low cost energy for electricity and is particularly important in producing medicine for cancer patients so this program is completely necessary. In any case, billions of dollars have been invested in the program so for the US to expect Iran to back down is, to say the least, preposterous.

What perplexes me the most is that the Obama Administration continues with its war rhetoric and is determined to strike Tehran despite the fact that sixteen of the American Agencies have unanimously confirmed the non-existence of sinister evidence implicating Iran’s nuclear programs. 

This leaves me wondering whether the issue here is really about nuclear misuse concern, or there is much more to this. Discerning guesses point me US attempts at strategic validation. They probably want to maintain the status quo – to ensure Israel (US ally) remains the only country in the Middle East with nuclear power and consequently maintain their power and dominance in the region. I salute Iran’s valour for standing up to the big bully.

United States, as my Geography teacher would say, “Your days are numbered!!!”


  1. US wants to set the agenda for world . She doesn't feel comfortable when one is progressing, she likes to dictate on the internal affairs of other countries (lybia), just because she is holding power she can saction anyone who seem to be a threat in her kingdom. She is tyranny and despotic as she doesn't want to be challenged, her head and mind is bloody( Gaddafi, Bin Ladin,list is endless)


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