COPAC playing a dangerous game.

Image courtesy of Zimpapers Archives

The Constitutional Select Committe (COPAC) is playing with the people of Zimbabwe. It has emerged (from The Herald (23/02/12) that 70% of the information in the draft constitution was not solicited from the people. Mind you, the drafters should not add or subtract anything what is needed is a people-driven constitution, not a drafters’ Constitution. This is very disappointing. But did they really expect to get away with such unfathomable treachery?

One clause of this draft constitution mentioned that a presidential candidate is limited to a maximum of two terms in office and has to be less than 70 years old. It is worth noting that this clause was crafted by the drafters themselves. Both terms disqualified President Mugabe. It’s a well-known fact that President Mugabe is ZANU-PF’s chief candidate, and they were not going to sit around and watch their party being destroyed at their wake. The clause has since been rectified, and the qualification of the presidential candidate has to be over 40 years and may serve 2-5 terms. So all this draft clause did was waste precious time which could have been used to discuss more critical issues.

The constitution is supposed to pave way free and fair elections. But how can this ever be possible when the constitution itself is formulated under refutable circumstances? Such power games and low blows by the political entities are the last thing that Zimbabweans need. It does not always have to be a win/lose situation with regards to politics, but a win/win atmosphere is possible when there is compromise and the rights of Zimbabweans are put in the fore front.

I however applaud Copac for the clause concerning media rights and freedom of speech. I hope it will improve the media’s role in enforcing democracy in Zimbabwe.


  1. COPAC guys might sound ruddy but for now i think there are trying to employe suitable conventional tools that might stamina ZANU PF. The action might seem to be super for now for them however in the long run general populace will be on the receiving end.

  2. I disagree!! These tools as you call them are neither suitable nor conventional. Where is fair play and objectivity?!


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