ZANU-PF and MDCs momentary peace.

The three Secretary Generals of Zanu (PF) and the two MDCs confirmed to The Zimbabwean (23/02/12) that they will hold joint peace rallies countrywide to discourage violence. The first one is scheduled for Bulawayo in the next few weeks. The leaders of the respective parties President Robert Mugabe, Prime Minister Morgan Tswangirai and Welshman Ncube are expected to address the rallies.

I applaud them for this laudable gesture which shows that they can set aside their irreconcilable differences and fight for a common cause which is for the good of the nation. More of similar gestures would definitely see Zimbabweans breaking not only political shackles, but economic and social ones as well.

ZAPU however does not see anything to write home about in this gesture. Methuseli Moyo, the spokesperson of ZAPU when speaking to the radio station VOP regarding this move said, “This party (Zanu PF) has a history of violence since 1980 and there is no way they can just stop.”(The Zimbabwean 24/02/12)

I believe such an attitude will never get us anywhere. Seeing only the negative side of everything is calamitous. Positive attempts should be given time and space to grow and mature, and not just crushed at the first sign of their appearance.     

Rome wasn’t built in one day!!!


  1. the move is recommendable and appreciated. The problem is about ZAPU which seem to be clinging on Gukurahundi things of which the paarty will observe the progress but not being a participant. We say keep on guys and re-define and re-structure Zimbabwe we can still make it

  2. i will agree with Methu, these guys can not work together in government and then want to pretend they can in these meetings. who are they trying to dupe here? the point is they need to show that they want to work together through implementing the GPA and other things that need to be done.


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