'Elections with or without constitution.'

Credit: Element 5 Digital - Unsplash

Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe insisted on the eve of his birthday interview with ZBC TV that new elections be held with or without a new constitution agreed to in the power sharing deal with Prime Minister Morgan Tswangirai. He said, “We just must have elections. They just must take place with or without the new constitution. If others don’t want to have an election, they are free not to participate.” (IOL News – 24/02/12). On the other hand, MDC is convinced that the new constitution is a non-negotiable pre-requisite for elections to take place.  

When I read this, I was saddened right to the deepest chambers of my inner being. Fear gripped me in an inexplicable manner because I was quickly reminded of the 2008 electoral period. I know the potential of unrest and violence which can be caused by the contention between the political parties of Zimbabwe. Like i underscored in my previous post, our leaders really have to find the heart to compromise in order to save the nation from profound pain and suffering.

In this matter, I believe that the constitution does indeed have to be amended before the elections are held. This would ensure democracy is served better because the existing constitution is not exactly flawless. Political fundis have argued that democracy is an imaginary concept because even its conceptualists (like the US) do not adhere to its principles. I denounce this line of thinking because we are not like them.  Just because they themselves fail does not give us the green light nor the justification to fail as well.

We are ZIMBABWEANS!!! That should tell you something.


  1. the main reason y the President is calling for the elections b4 the completion of the constitution is that there is a clause in the constitution (642). the clause bans the presidential candidate who has served two five year terms(Newsday/24/2012).This actually will insulate him from being thrown into (history) political dustbins

    1. Yep, i understand you, there is so much unneccessary rivaly between the political parties.


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