Mugabe To Buy Guns Using Diamonds Money?

President Robert G Mugabe. (Photo accessed from

Now that the elections are just around the corner, almost everything seems to be politicised. Take for instance the acceptance of Zimbabwean diamonds by the Kimberly Process into the world market. This has been met by suspecting eyes. But is all this mistrust necessary and justified?

A human rights organisation, Global Witness, recently released a statement saying Mugabe will misuse diamond revenue for upcoming elections. I understand that they base their sentiments on past history, but their statement is too prophetic for my liking because the situation now is completely different from the 2008 era. Mind you, we are now under an inclusive government and back then it was a unilateral government, so the chances of history repeating itself are minimal. So unless this organisation has spiritual anointing comparable to that of T.B Joshua, I don’t see their prophecy coming to pass.

Speaking to journalists after touring the recently ratified diamond companies in Marange, Prime Minister Morgan Tswangirai said, “You are aware that the government needs resources, and we regard diamond revenue as a major contributor to the fiscus.” From this statement, one can easily deduce that the government is no longer unilateral, the decision making now incorporates the other principals. It is therefore fallacious to assume President Mugabe will do as he pleases with the diamond revenue in question. I doubt the other principals will stand by and watch considering that the government (Inclusive government) is facing serious challenges, among others the civil servants demand of salary increment.

Such thinking by Global Witness leaves me wondering why they really cannot think of anything positive that could not come out of the approval of Zimbabwe’s diamonds into the world market. Not everything is political you know, the welfare of multitudes of Zimbabweans is at stake too!!!


  1. these poor global witnesses should in the first place be avoided in participating in the home affairs. It seems they are the architecture of imaginary problems which by the end of the might raise a "tangable" mist. However, to be objective enough our government is experienced in syphoning development funds for political mileage,considering the case of 2008 elections.

    1. I certainly agree with you Wistleblower. I also tend to believe that these are detractors who do not want to see an aAfrican nation moving forward. Maybe they want us to be perpetual beggers!!!

    2. we are already beggers Uyyappo,thats why the human rights organisation is concerned about the misuse of the money.surely how can you bite the hand that wants to help you.let us unit and fight the real enemy here .

    3. Are you sure they want want to help you? With your attitude you will remain a perpetual begger!!!

  2. The whole issue is so politically based ,how ever it should be noted that the GNU remains active till elections are conducted so such speculations are baseless,by Global Witness.How ever i do not denounce their critical view

    1. Honestly, i do not see how their view is critical when it is one sided. I believe a good critical discussion should be balanced, it should cover both sides of the coin.

  3. You can take the man from the bush but you cannot take the bush out of the man. Just because Mugabe is now in the inclusive government does not mean he campaign will not use the diamond money for HIS election .Furthermore his colleges, particularly T.Mahoso say that they want to dismember this animal called the inclusive government. No doubt they want to create a more suitable environment to use the diamond money.

    1. I think your assumption is baseless considering that the Ministry of Finance is under MDC, Besides Mahoso is not an authority and hence whatever he says should not be over-emphasised. He can say whatever he want because there is freedom of expression, and personally, i dont care whatever he says.


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